How is the year going for you so far? Here we are at the start of February 2023. Are you where you wanted to be when you ‘set those resolutions?’
Where would I be without setting goals, having a plan and support structure?
The answer is in a very different place that I am now. I have the following support structures:
- A personal and business coach
- A financial partner
- A personal assistant
- A social media person
- A training, diet and exercise buddy
- A ‘PUNK’ group on WhatsApp (as in Press-Up’s and Plank) where we report in each and every day on our progress, (two guys of are doing 36,500 press ups this year.)
Sidenote: sometimes my mind hates this sh*t. It sometimes says to me, “forget it! Where’s the freedom in that? I don’t flippin’ feel like it!” You know that voice, don’t you? The voice governs you, or you govern the voice. It’s your call.
Where are you at?
Notice your response to these questions and depending on your answers, please allow me to assist you:
- What are your goals for the year?
- How are they going?
- What are you doing well? Not well?
- What accountability structure do you have?
- What happens if you fall behind?
Please join me in my goal accountability group, called Your Best Year Yet Mojo Dojo Support Group, and let’s get to work on what matters most to you!
You can fill out the form here:
What it is:
Join me and just up to 10 others from my community who want to win this year and make it their best year ever, day by day, moment by moment, and have this year be an extraordinary one.
Why it exists and how you benefit:
Because without this kind of structure – unless you are ultra-disciplined and even then, you are still human – you will not achieve the result of the satisfaction that you know is possible. You and I both know this.
With a structure around you and peers to support you, it becomes more difficult to not produce the results you want that are important to you.
How it works (below is in this form too. Here it is again:
- Your name:
- What you do:
- How you heard about the Dojo:
- Email address:
- Contact number:
- What do you really want this year – don’t over think it, just write what comes to you:
- What are you willing to sacrifice that will stand you a very good chance of achieving that? e.g., distraction, alcohol, social media, trivia, time wasting, following through on my promises, going to bed at 21h30 on weekdays…
- The cost is an annual payment of ZAR25,000 or a monthly payment of ZAR2900 per month, or £2,500 or 290 per month. I am in/ I am interested and have some questions. Please call me!
- Registration closes on 28th Feb 2023.
- You will receive a link to a Google Document, which will be your master Goal sheet, outlining your purpose, vision, goals, and strategy. You will be sharing this with others, and you will see other’s sheets too.
- At the end of each week, you will submit your results and actions for the following week.
- Every two weeks we will have a Zoom check in on progress, victories, challenges, reflections, and insights, and provide tools, process, and insights to assist us on our journeys.
- You’ll be assigned an ‘accountability buddy.’
- You will receive email and WhatsApp reminders from me.
- We will touch base personally with each other at least twice per month.
Good luck and here’s wishing you a great year ahead!
Mojestically yours,