Simon Ekin

We will find a way if we need to (great video)

My wife recently read a book by Martha Beck called Steering by Starlight – How to fulfill your destiny, no matter what. One of the things that the author talks about in the book is intention – i.e. if your intention is strong enough, you will make your dreams come true, no matter what.

She gives an example of the work that she did with heroin addicts. Many of them were living in appalling conditions, often on the streets, without very much by way of clothes or food to eat.

What she found astounding, though, was that they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per year maintaining their heroin addiction. How could this be? These people were broke and on the streets, how could they possibly come up with all that money? The answer was simple – you don’t give yourself a choice, you go out and do whatever you need to in order to make sure that you score your daily fix.

I know this is an extreme example, but I think it’s a good one. So many of us have big goals that we want to achieve, but year after year we find that we are falling short of making our dreams come true. What do you think would happen if you gave yourself no choice about achieving them? If we treated those goals like a fix that we absolutely had to have? I suspect we’d find that we make far more progress than we currently are.

Another example, from nature, below gives an extraordinary demonstration that seems to defy gravity, of how, as beings, we can do extraordinary things when we really want to!

The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs a dam | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox – BBC