Simon Ekin

The Red Fire Truck Coffee Stand: A Lesson Taking Risks

I’m going for a run in the local forest in Newlands on the side of Table Mountain and come down the hill and see a red truck. It’s like a kind of a, little bit of a, replica of a fire truck. And it’s called funnily enough, the Red Fire Truck coffee stand. Beautiful stand, chairs outside. Beautiful, beautiful. Like an array of different croissant, cake and stuff.

So I go, “Oh, I’d love a coffee” and then remembered I don’t have my card or anything with me. So I say to the person who’s the owner, “Would you mind gifting me a coffee?” And she says, :Sure. Have a coffee, no problem.” And then I think mm, there’s a croissant over there. “Would you mind gifting me a croissant?” and she replies “Sure, just bring your friends next time.”

Take a risk, ask for stuff. You never know what the answer is going to be. But if you don’t ask, then you will never know.

This experience at the Red Fire Truck coffee stand taught me a valuable lesson about taking risks. I was hesitant to ask for a free coffee and croissant, but I decided to go for it anyway. To my surprise, the owner was happy to give them to me.

It is worth taking risks in life. So next time you see something you want, go for it! You might just be surprised.

Here are a few other things I learned from this experience:

  • People are often more generous than you think.
  • It’s okay to ask for help.
  • The worst that can happen is the person says no.
  • Taking risks can lead to unexpected rewards.

So next time you’re feeling hesitant to take a risk, remember the Red Fire Truck coffee stand. You never know what might happen if you just ask.

Mojestically yours!


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